Mr Ben
JoinedTopics Started by Mr Ben
The new Flame War
by Mr Ben inyou are all very naughty boys and girls.
i am therefore commissioning the great flame war of the last days.. all the naughty boys and all the naughty girls are to face each other across a large bonfire on the hills at midnight, naked, of course.
all the naughty girls are then to dance around the flames and all the naughty boys are to spank them as they go by.. as part of your penance you will then conjure this image into your mind every time you see the flame wars flare, and you must invite the person flaming you round to your place to give you another spankin.
What is your favourite spliff music?
by Mr Ben ina nice pure weed joint, a cold can of guiness.... what music would you recommend?
- far over, by burning spear.
cool reggae riffs.. - green, by steve hillage.
Another fanatical Moslem attack!
by Mr Ben injust heard on the radio at work that moslem religious extremists have attacked a train carrying hindus.
some of the dead are children.. intolerance - religion - intolerance - religion -.
religion n.. an organisation designed to promote atheism.
Which is worse: thinking or raping children?
by Mr Ben inwhich is worse: thinking for yourself or raping children?
most sane people in the world, whether religious or not would clearly say the latter was the worse, and worse by as large a margin as could be conceived.
unless, that is, you are a jehovah's witness.. in jehovah land, thinking anything contrary to the organisation is the worst of crimes.
Monotheism and the worst intolerance.
by Mr Ben ini know that evil things have been by polytheists as well as monotheists.
but i was watching a program about the ancient egyptians a couple of months ago i think it was on channel 4. anyway it showed how incredibly advanced the old egyptians really were, performing engineering feats that we still cannot reproduce today without our technology.
their society was a polytheistic one and everyone got on reasonably well, until a particular pharaoh came along who was egypts first monotheist.
The WT fake chimp (for those who missed it)
by Mr Ben inafter a discussion in the live chatroom i realised some did not know of the watchtowers fake chimp.
i first saw it as a link on janhs old site, but i can no longer find the url for the original, which i believe was from the norwegian agnostic society, or something like that.
the next time a dub calls on you ask them why they are forced to believe that chimpanzees do not have canine teeth.
Slave, in case you didn't read my comment
by Mr Ben inslave,.
if you ever get constipation you'd be speechless.. religion n.. an organisation designed to promote atheism.
How "free" is free will?
by Mr Ben in(slightly paraphrased from genesis).
1. you have the freedom to use your life to obey me or disobey me.. 2. but if you choose the latter, i will take away your life (and therefore the ability to choose).. how free is biblical free will really?.
religion n.. an organisation designed to promote atheism.
Give your definition of the word DUB
by Mr Ben inhow about.... dutifully under borg,.
distressed underpaid bullshitter.
disenfranchised, underprivileged, brainwashed.
Did I imagine this quote, or what?
by Mr Ben ini have been trying to find a wt quote but all has failed and so i turn to this discussion board for help.
i am beginning to wonder if i imagined it in one of my wierd dreams.
i cannot give it exactly, but it went something like this.... (following discussion of "worldly" bombs that kill good and bad alike)... if only a bomb could be constructed that only destroyed the unrighteous.... ps - hello sirona.